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Watch "Beyond Walls" Online Thursday Oct. 26

The 2023 Seattle Social Justice Film Festival featured this program of short documentaries before a live audience when it opened on October 11, but I couldn't find it in their online schedule. The Appalachian Prison Book Project has announced that there will be a showing this Thursday over Zoom. As they are in West Virginia, they are three hours ahead of us. If you're in Seattle, the program runs 4 - 6 pm.


"The West Virginia University Higher Education in Prison Initiative (HEPI) invites you to a screening of Beyond Walls, a selection of short films on prison industrial complex (PIC) abolition! Join us on October 26th at 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. via Zoom. Register at

"The Beyond Walls compilation shares stories of individuals resisting the PIC and demonstrating the importance of relationships inside and out. The films also show the generational harm of the PIC, as well as next steps to build a world without police and prisons. The films add up to be about seventy minutes, intentionally short to leave ample time for panelists and discussion. The panel will consist of previously incarcerated people and people involved in abolition and work to decrease suffering, including exoneree and legal assistant Steven Lazar, reproductive justice organizer Alejandra Pablos, West Virginia Drug Intervention Institute Outreach Coordinator Kenneth Mattews, and multimedia artist and organizer Sylvia Ryerson.

"HEPI is hosting this event in partnership with Working Films, the Appalachian Prison Book Project, the West Virginia Innocence Project, the WVU School of Social Work, the WVU English Department, and the American Friends Service Committee."

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Box A
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