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Donating Books

​We've moved! But it's taking us a while to unpack. We look forward to accepting your book donations again in February.


Paperbacks Preferred

A growing number of prisons and jails around the US don't allow the people in their custody to own hardback books. Please keep that in mind when selecting books to donate. We're always looking for paperback textbooks, reference books, and college-level dictionaries.

An embarrassment of riches 


Thanks to the generosity of our fantastic book donors, we actually have more than enough books on the following topics. We're running out of space, so we are not accepting any more books on these subjects until we've mailed enough of the ones we already have to incarcerated readers to make room for more.


FICTION - literary fiction/classics, drama/plays/Shakespeare, thrillers


NONFICTION - philosophy, chemistry, math, building trades/construction skills, history/politics


At the moment, we would very strongly like to prioritize the following: fantasy paperbacks, horror, urban fiction, occult/magic belief systems, manga (no nudity or graphic violence), books on how to draw (no nudity), and re-entry topics such as real estate, starting a small business or learning a trade.


As always, we ask that you carefully read our requested categories and make sure that your books are a good fit. Before sending multiple copies of any book, please email to double-check that it’s material we can use. We know you mean well, but excess books, or books from unwanted categories, means more work for our already overburdened volunteers – something we really can’t afford right now!


See the list below for our most requested genres – we ask that you only donate books in those categories. Things we are OK on right now are crossed out, although we would still accept donations for those subjects.


Due to space constraints, DO NOT SEND US THESE SUBJECTS: drama, short stories, literary anthologies, Christianity, young adult, or women’s studies. If we receive large amounts of those genres, we have to re-donate or throw them out – please save us the trip.


If you are interested in donating books, please follow these guidelines:

  • Limit your donation to 2 boxes of books at a time. If you wish to donate more than two boxes of books, please stagger your donation so that we are not overloaded.

  • Make sure each box weighs no more than 25 pounds, so that our volunteers can safely lift them.

  • No hardback fiction; hardback non-fiction is acceptable.

  • Remove any CD’s, as well as metal or plastic spiral or comb binding. Prison staff treat these as weapons.

  • No nudity, ie, no photos or drawings including women’s nipples or men’s, women’s or children’s genitalia or gluteal cleft. This applies to comics, graphic novels, manga, magazines, books about art, books about how to draw, paint, etc, and medical textbooks.

  • No graphic violence or gore, eg, decapitation or spurting blood, in comics, graphic novels, or manga. Fight scenes in mainstream (DC, Marvel…) titles aren’t usually a problem.

  • No self-defense or martial arts, including tai chi.

  • No stickers, remainder marks, highlighting or underlining, or anything else that modifies the book – doing so severely limits the number of facilities we can send books to.

  • DO NOT SEND US BOOKS WITH MOLD OR WATER DAMAGE- Out of respect and care for the health of the incarcerated people we serve as well as our staff and volunteers please don’t send us moldy books. Also, books that are significantly water damaged are likely to get rejected. 


You can donate books to Books to Prisoners both at Left Bank Books in downtown Seattle (92 Pike St) or at our volunteer location during open hours (contact us first for the address and times.)

Most Commonly Requested Books

Highly requested topics in bold

  • Adventure fiction

  • Blank journals/composition books (with no spiral bindings)

  • Business and personal finance

  • CDL guides

  • Coloring Books (unmarked)

  • Cookbooks

  • Paperback collegiate dictionaries ONLY

  • Drawing/art instruction (without nudity)

  • Erotica (written, not visual) 

  • Farming

  • Fitness

  • Foreign language literature and instruction

  • Games and crafts (including crossword puzzles, Sudoku, crochet)

  • Graphic novels & comic books (that do not contain nudity or violent content)

  • History

  • Indigenous history/studies

  • Legal self-help (especially for criminal law)

  • LGBTQ books (particularly about being trans, or QTBIPOC)

  • Manga

  • Occult/witchcraft/astrology/metaphysics/magic

  • Meditation

  • Paperback genre fiction (particularly westerns, horror, sci-fi, urban fiction, mysteries, thrillers and fantasy)

  • Pets; dogs, cats, all animals

  • Philosophy

  • Prisoner resources or release guides

  • Romances…paranormal, historical, or regular

  • Science - general, astronomy, physics; NO oceanography, biology, chemistry

  • Self-help

  • Spanish translations of anything, fiction or nonfiction alike

  • Sports

  • Tabletop roleplaying guides

  • Thesauri (paperback and hardback)

  • Travel - specific countries/cities

  • True crime

  • Urban fiction

  • Vocational instruction (e.g., welding, plumbing, carpentry)

  • Yoga

How to tell if your donation will be a good match:

  • Check the condition. Many prisons require “good condition” books and will reject other books. Covers must be intact, all pages should be attached to the spine of the book, and pages should be relatively free of writing and highlighting.


  • Check the binding and inserts. Prisoners are unable to receive books that include spiral bindings, CDs, DVDs, or extra materials attached to pages (such as pop-up books). Any bookmarks or stickynotes should be removed. Please note: we are only able to accept paperback fiction books, though hardcover non-fiction is acceptable.


  • Check the date. Prisoners love up-to-date materials as much as everyone else! For many who are incarcerated, books are their best source of information about the world. If you are considering making a donation of books about politics, current events, travel, or technology, please keep this in mind and make plans to donate recently published books.


  • Check the content. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept donations of books including instructions about obtaining or creating alcohol or drugs, books including pictures with nudity or graphic violence, instructions on tying knots or picking locks, or training in martial arts and hypnosis.


Have books that meet our criteria?


If you have books that are listed in our “most commonly requested” category above (ex: Dictionaries) and they match the criteria given above for content and condition, please contact for more information on how to get your books to us.


Please consider donating $45 with each box of books that you donate, to help us mail your books to prisoners in need. Our true postage cost for mailing a box full of wrapped book packages is approximately $90/box, so your matching donation goes a long way!


“It is tortuous being locked up. Books have the power to transport us into different selves and different universes so I imagine in prison having books is a mighty good friend to have, and a powerful tool towards finding some peace of mind, some of the time at least, in a situation where that might otherwise be a rare thing. Books for prisoners should be a human right.”


~ Danbert Nobacon (Chumbawamba), BTP supporter

Our mailing address is:

92 Pike St.
Box A
Seattle, WA, 98101


Our headquarters are in Greenwood; please ask for the exact location



1-206-527-3339 (We may take a while to call back)

Volunteer Shifts:

Tuesdays: 4 pm - 8 pm
Wednesdays: 9:30 am - 1:30 pm, 4 pm - 8 pm 
Thursdays: 4 pm - 8 pm

Sundays: 1 pm - 4 pm

Books to Prisoners is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.


EIN 91-6172244

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