"Dear Seattle Books to Prisoners, first of all, let me say thank you to you guys for offering this wonderful service. It is such a blessing to find out about this from another inmate here. My life has been very negative and dark lately, filled with violence and hate. However, I'm trying to make a change and start reading a lot more and doing a lot of exercise and stretching also meditation. Being on close custody and stuck in a cell 24 hours a day can really do a number on your emotional and mental health, but thank God for a lot of people that still care about us out there. Anyways, let me stop rambling. I'm just feeling lonely. But can you please send me any four magazines of Men's Journal, Men's Health, or the Red Bulletin, the extreme sports magazine? If you don't have those, send me anything about health or fitness or outdoor activities. Please also if you have any autobiographies or inspirational books. God bless you. Thank you for the service. Magazines would be the top priority since they get our head out of these walls better with the pictures and make me think more of life on the outside, but anything will be a blessing. Thank you. Peace and love."